Dear Friends:

It’s hard to believe 16 years have passed since we embarked on this journey known as “Dance Key West.” We want to thank you for your unwavering support over the years. We could never have reached our goals if we didn’t have you by our side. From local community outreach programs to professional performances in Key West and NYC, it is because of your support that we have made these dreams a reality, and for that, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Plans are underway for an exciting 16th anniversary season, and we hope you will join us! In the meantime, we are celebrating our Sweet 16 with a birthday FUNdraiser! Did you know that we turn 16 on July 22, 2024? We are so proud to have made this this far. Will you celebrate with us by donating $16, $160, or $1600?

To make a tax-deductible donation, please CLICK HERE. Thank you for your continued support!

Thank you again. Let’s Dance, Key West!

- Kyla Piscopink

Posted: December 28, 2023
Posted: June 08, 2021

We’re thrilled to announce we’re working on a new outreach program, “Telling My Story”, in collaboration with Dr. Susan Dewey, professor of Criminology & Criminal Justice at The University of Alabama, and Julie Tennant-Caine, regional director at the South Carolina Department of Corrections. This program aspires to support currently and formerly incarcerated women through offering outlets for creative expression, human connection and physical activity, while providing an innovative, cathARTic way of addressing victimization & trauma experiences.

This program is inspired by a collection of writings by incarcerated women.

Posted: January 27, 2013